Jul 2012
My First Tuk Tuk ride
03/07/12 23:21
Hallo meine Freunde
nach ein paar schönen Tagen in Phuket sind wir dann nach Bangkok geflogen. Was für eine Stadt….puih….ganz schön heiss und anstrengend.

Ansonsten war es auch ganz nett wenn Papa mich getragen hat….

und in diesem Hoel haben wir gewohnt….
und nach ein paar schönen Tagen war der Bangkok Urlaub auch schon vorbei…..
hier bin ich im Flug nach Hause
Euer Joshua

nach ein paar schönen Tagen in Phuket sind wir dann nach Bangkok geflogen. Was für eine Stadt….puih….ganz schön heiss und anstrengend.

Ansonsten war es auch ganz nett wenn Papa mich getragen hat….

und in diesem Hoel haben wir gewohnt….

und nach ein paar schönen Tagen war der Bangkok Urlaub auch schon vorbei…..
hier bin ich im Flug nach Hause
Euer Joshua

01/07/12 20:51
Hallo meine Freunde,
Hero of the rails, Kevin with the heaving hooks, THomas and misty Island, Ferdinand, Bash, Dash, these are all part of THomas and Friends. (Note: Dad can’t type as fast as Joshua is speaking)
For the past few days we are at the Club Med in Phuket, Thailand. The first thing I do after getting up is go to breakfast. They have great waffles. Then we go the small golf course. Every morning we have lessons. Today’s lesson was the grip….this is difficult…..Then we go to the pool. (pictures will follow later).
Today we were at the beach. The waves were strong…..I keep falling into the water. That is fun……
Lunch is always Pasta….yummy…..
Well, now have to take a shower and go for dinner
Hero of the rails, Kevin with the heaving hooks, THomas and misty Island, Ferdinand, Bash, Dash, these are all part of THomas and Friends. (Note: Dad can’t type as fast as Joshua is speaking)
For the past few days we are at the Club Med in Phuket, Thailand. The first thing I do after getting up is go to breakfast. They have great waffles. Then we go the small golf course. Every morning we have lessons. Today’s lesson was the grip….this is difficult…..Then we go to the pool. (pictures will follow later).
Today we were at the beach. The waves were strong…..I keep falling into the water. That is fun……
Lunch is always Pasta….yummy…..
Well, now have to take a shower and go for dinner